Soon, he goes down a certain area and sees the remains of dead infants. Around him are dead cows recently killed and squalor.

He discovers a town which seems deserted, but the townsfolk seem to be initially avoiding him. He then walks over to the pilot, and is horrified by the gruesome discovery: their pilot was skinned and fixed to a cross. Waking up to the crash, Blake frees himself from under a door and traverses to the main helicopter body. As he turns around he sees a young girl, and behind the girl is a large rush of blood. Blake follows a mysterious man until he reaches a set of doors, which then slam on him. In the middle of the intro, a bright flash of light appears in front of the helicopter, and then the aircraft goes down with Blake, Lynn and the pilot screaming for their lives.īlake then wakes up in his old school, which is a Catholic grade school (St. They have a small debate on how she died, until Lynn decides to reshoot. Lynn stated she hasn't talked about her in ages, then tells Blake that they should start making an intro for their piece on Jane Doe. Blake tells Lynn he was dreaming of Jessica Gray, a student they knew from childhood. They are in a helicopter and are inbound to a location where the duo wants to investigate. Blake is awakened by his wife, Lynn, who says he was screaming some other woman's name in his sleep. The story begins with a voice calling out to Blake and then screaming. His main goal is to find Lynn and escape alive from the hostile villagers. Later, Blake realizes that he's been stranded in a village with cult members that believe the end of times are upon them. Blake wakes up sometime later, with Lynn nowhere in sight. Due to the desert climate and the region being inaccessible by land vehicles, the two take a chopper to reach their destination, which ends up crashing from unknown complications. The woman was previously found eight months pregnant by the side of the road, before committing suicide in the hospital that she was brought to, according to the facility's records. Blake Langermann, a cameraman, with his wife Lynn, travel to southern Arizona to investigate the murder of a Jane Doe. According to the developers, the main setting takes place in a secluded village, located somewhere in the canyons of Arizona. Murkoff is also scheduled to make their appearance. The game takes place in the same universe as Outlast, after the events of the Mount Massive Asylum Slaughter. Restarting or dying will reset the player back to the start. In addition to Nightmare's added challenges, Insane mode requires the player to complete the game in a single run without dying. Batteries are scarce, enemies are more vigilant and relentless at their pursuit of the player, inspecting hiding spots and dealing more damage, some resulting in one hit kills.

Hard and Nightmare difficulties are a step up from the standard mode. Some chase sequences and encounters are either toned down or have been removed all together. Story Mode is a cut down version of the standard difficulty with slower, less observant enemies that deal less damage to the player, offering more breathing room for immersion and exploration.

The Camcorder makes its return with a slightly different HUD and overall appearance and can be used to record unfolding events within Temple Gate. is has been rebuilt from scratch and their patterns differ from the first game. Philippe Morin also noted that enemy A.I. This, however, takes a few seconds and can be disrupted by nearby enemies. Players can restore health by bandaging their wounds. The movement system was also reworked allowing players to slide when running. There is a limited sprint mechanic, which will decrease player character's stamina over time. Players are able to run and crouch behind objects to avoid their pursuers, prone beneath obstacles, as well as hide within various places, whether it be a barrel, locker, tall grass or a pool of water. Developers commented that in this way, they can repurpose all the assets from previous games, such as animations, scripts, etc. Like the two previous titles, the game is built in Unreal Engine 3, but slightly modified.